Lately I've really been attempting to start my weeks on the right foot and stepping a little out of my bounds enjoying the most dreaded day of the week. As soon as Friday's hit, we simultaneously begin the countdown to Monday mornings and make every second of the weekend count... so why not do this for every day of the week?!
Today, I woke up a bit earlier than I usually would in order to hit up a coffee shop I recently discovered in my neighborhood of the Upper West Side. Discovery is just about my favorite thing about NYC - there's always something new to see, do, and discover no matter how long you've lived in your hood. It helps get you out of bed on even the laziest of days.
Speaking of discovery, I've been spending a lot of time on Tumblr as of recent discovering and being inspired by the endless images. My sudden urge in enjoying and making every day epic is thanks to the new Schick Hydro® Tumblr page which is made up of beautiful images documenting the best parts of life - adventure, passion, and fun! Make sure you give them a follow to put a little extra pep in your step and inspire you to make every day epic... and, of course, make sure you give me a follow too by clicking the buttons below!
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*This post brought to you from my friends at Schick Hydro® and Socialstars #MakeItEpic | All words are my own*